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Cinnamon Maple Creamer: A Self Love Spell

One thing about me is I can't drink black coffee. You can call me basic, or shake your head in disgust but I'm gonna enjoy my life.

But one thing when I dived in to kitchen magick is discovering how simple and powerful it can be to make. Really there is no point in paying for creamer anymore.

This creamer is one I just whipped up for myself. It tastes like fall and provides a bolstering of love and affection. Serve to to someone you wish to increase affection with or drink yourself to bolster self love!

Ingredients and Their Magickal Properties - Kitchen Witchcraft

As I always mention in my recipe posts, the purpose of what I do as a kitchen witch relies on knowledge and intention.

Yes, this recipe will still taste delicious without transforming it into a spell. However, knowing your ingredients is essential to utilize this recipe to help change your mind, body, and spirit.

Below is a list of each added ingredient and its extraordinary power for this recipe. Please note that this is not every magickal benefit of this plant or herb, just the areas I believe should be focused on for this specific recipe.


The maple tree has a rich history in paganism and mythology, and maple syrup allows us to partake in it deliciously.

They've been believed to propel negative and evil spirits. It has ties to wealth and is consecrated to the Celtic goddess of fertility, Dana.

It's also known as the tree of tolerance, which is a bit of a chuckle since we're using it for a love spell. But when you think about it, this makes a lot of sense for helping boost affection.

Plus, don't worry; it has a strong association with love as well!

Even though we are focusing on the love energy of the maple for this recipe, its other powers of peace and harmony will also be focused on to help a successful love spell.

Magickal Uses: Peace, Harmony, Love


If you've been following my recipes for a while, you know about my love for cinnamon.

Just like usual we will utilize its energy of success but cinnamon is also perfect for love.

Whereas I find maples love energy to be more of affection, cinnamons love energy tends to hold more of a passionate side of love.

If you're using this for self love, you may be thinking well how's that beneficial? Dude. Trust me. When you find passion and lust for yourself, self-love becomes more solidified.


Magickal Powers: Love, Passion, Success


Entirely optional for this recipe but also wholly recommended. The taste of cardamom is the epitome of fall, in my opinion.

Similarly to cinnamon, it has a long association with love and sex, bringing more fire to the spell.


Magickal Powers: Love, Passion, Lust


One energy of nutmeg I don't see talked about very often is happiness.

Nutmeg has a very comforting happy power to it making it perfect addition to this spell. It will help balance out the passion and lust energy we're receiving from cinnamon & cardamom because we don't need toxic love and lust here but one filled with a comforting passionate love.


Magickal Powers: Love, Happiness

Spell Recipe

How to Implement Magick into the Recipe

*When adding your ingredients, remember to focus on the intention of the ingredient while working with it. (I.E., when folding in your flour, focus on the intention of abundance.

Not just the idea, but how does it make you feel? How does having these things in your life manifest?

I also recommend using the intentional stirring and speaking method to add to this spell. Stir counterclockwise for energies that need to be removed and clockwise for energies you wish to implement while speaking your incantations (or intention) out loud.

For example, I would stir clockwise when adding the vanilla while speaking to the pot.

Spirit of nutmeg, bless this dish with a comforting love filled with happiness.

I recommend also consecrating via an incantation when the recipe is all said and done. Although I always recommend creating your own, as spells tend to be more powerful, you can also use the incantation below (this incantation is for self-love, you will need to adjust if using it to bolster affections with another):

Through this dish, I bring in the blessings of affection. May the universe sweeten my life by helping me find comfort in my self. May I find the passion and love in being who i am. So as it's been, so as it is, so as it may



  • 2 cups half and half (or your dairy of choice)

  • 1 cup maple syrup

  • 1 tbsp cinnamon

  • 1/4 tsp cardamom

  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg


  1. Add half and half & maple syrup in a mason jar. (Spirit of maple, may you bless this dish with love and harmony)

  2. Add cinnamon (Spirit of cinnamon, may you bless this dish with love, passion, and success)

  3. Add cardamom (Spirit of cardamom, may you bless this dish with love and lust)

  4. Add nutmeg (Spirit of nutmeg, may you bless this dish with love and happiness)

  5. Place lid on creamer and shake

(Through this dish, I bring in the blessings of affection. May the universe sweeten my life by helping me find comfort in myself. May I find the passion and love in being who I am. So as it's been, so as it is, so as it may be.)

Shake before use as spices will settle to the bottom.


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My name's Maven and witchy momma and writer documentating the wonderfully mundane aspects of the Occult. I like to share my experience with folk, kitchen, and green magick along with other tidbits I find along my journey.

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Image by Annie Spratt

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