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Magickal Properties of Almonds for Herbalism & Witchcraft

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Lore & History of Almonds

One of the earliest domesticated fruit trees, almonds, originated in the Middle East. There are two varieties: Bitter and Sweet Almonds.

Almond wood is prized because of its straightness of branches and hardness during curing. Making wands from almond wood is highly coveted in certain cultures and practices, especially when working with powers of abundance, fertility, and wealth.

A wand of Almond is part of the magician's regalia in the continental grimoire Book of Abramelin.

Almond rods have traditionally been used for dowsing treasure in areas of Tuscany.

Almonds have strong associations with both Mercury and Venus.

Folk traditions in English include using bitter almonds and almonds in wedding cakes to represent marriage's sweet and bitter aspects, believing in bringing a fertile and abundant marriage. This also later turned into wedding gifts and favors of Jordan almonds.

A Moroccan folk magick suggests eating a pound of Almonds and Honey for three consecutive mornings to increase virility.

In Greece, offering the Fates (Moirai), which are white almonds, was common.

In Hebrew lore, an amulet made from an Almond kernel was used to protect from the Evil Eye. Almonds are considered symbolic of God's watchfulness over his people. A Jewish myth places the entrance to the underworld at the base of an almond tree.

A story is told in the Greek Myth of Phyllis and Demophon while waiting for her lover. Queen Phyllis of Thrace became convinced he found another ove and committed suicide. Taking pity on her, the gods turned her into an almond tree. Once returned, Demophon embraced the tree, causing it to blossom, symbolizing love and hope.

It is often connected with sex across cultures and eras; in India, the Almond is the vulva, and eating the Almond signifies a sexual act. 

In the Greek myth of Agdistis and Attis, Zeus spilled semen and gave life to the hermaphrodite deity Agdistis. After other gods cut off Agdistis's male genitalia, an almond tree grew. From that almond tree, a nymph named Nana ate an Almond and became pregnant with a son named Attis. When grown up, while the marriage song was being sung during a marriage between Attis and the King's daughter, Agdistis appeared, causing Attis to become a driven man and castrate himself to death. Agdisits repented and persuaded Zeus to grant Attis' body to never rot or decay.

For the Chinese, almonds are symbols of feminine beauty, fortitude in sorrow, and watchfulness.

In the Christian tradition, the aAlmondsignifies divine favor and approval and the purity of the Virgin.

Folk tradition in some cultures believes eating five almonds before drinking prevents intoxication.

Almonds help cure insomnia, stimulate lactation, and relieve headaches in folk medicine.

Almond-based ingredients such as Marzipan and Amaratto also hold the same powers and associations.

Magickal Attributes of Almonds

Almonds carry masculine energy and are related to Mercury (& Venus) and Air element. They are often associated with deities: The Moirai, Mercury, Hermes, Thoth, Hecate, Zeus, Adgistis

Its occult attributes include Abundance, Beauty, Blessings, Communication, Fertility, Healing, Love, Money, Wealth, Wisdom

Magickal Uses of Almonds

  • Use almond scents to attract love and blessings.

  • Carry almonds as a talisman to promote abundance and Wealth

  • Eat almonds while researching or mediating to promote wisdom and enhance memory

  •  Sprinkle crushed almonds around your home or business to invite abundance and good fortune.

  • Serve the almond-based dishes at meetings to improve communication & help negotiations turn your direction.

  • Create a simmer pot with almond extract to promote fertility aimed at fostering growth and new opportunities.


What Do Almond Trees Smell Like? Do They Symbolise Anything?.

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Image by Annie Spratt

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