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Quick & Easy Chicken Pot Pie: A Spell for Clarity

I love a good, complex recipe that takes time to tend and requires love and attention.

But as much as I love that, I am also a mom, a writer, a developer, and so much more. And to think that all my spells and recipes will need tending is just insane and unrealistic.

Especially when I'm confused; we all get there when faced with decisions and paths. When we feel like we need to move but don't know where or how, the last thing that will benefit me is a complex, time-consuming spell when I'm in that state.

So enter my quick and easy spell for clarity: chicken pot pie. Perfect for the colder months, it's quick and simple, so you'll receive clear sight in no time.

Ingredients and Their Magickal Properties - Kitchen Magick

As I always mention in my recipe posts, the purpose of my work as a kitchen witch relies on knowledge and intention.

Yes, this recipe will still taste delicious without transforming it into a spell. However, knowing your ingredients is essential to utilizing this recipe to help change your mind, body, and spirit.

Below is a list of each added ingredient and its extraordinary power for this recipe. Please note that this is not every magical benefit of this plant or herb; these are just the areas I believe should be focused on for this specific recipe.


Associated with the planet Mars and the element Fire, carrots aren't only excellent when working for more firey manifestations such as lust or fertility. We all know the old folklore of carrots helping with eyesight, but even more, they help provide clarity and see the unseen.

Carrots' firey vibes also help promote solar plexus energy, which can bring creativity, help us see things in a new light, and encourage us to think outside the box.

Magickal Powers: Clarity, Clear Sight, Creativity, Youth, Strength


Old folk magick of peas is utilizing them to make difficult decisions and for divination. They can be used as runes or by planting. They say that if you take a seed pea for each option you are faced with and plant them carefully, the most vigorous, healthy plant will guide you when they sprout.

As beautiful as this is, we don't necessarily have the time for that nowadays, but we can still tap into that same energy of the pea to bring about clarity and guidance.

Magickal Uses: Clarity, Wisdom, Protection


Thyme's long history is one of medicinal and culinary benefits, as well as communication, courage, dreams, sight, and even success.

In our workings for clarity, thyme is the heavy lifter. Its purification powers help remove any blockages keeping us from seeing what we need to, its communication power helps ensure we are communicating properly with others and the universe on our wants and needs, and its success guarantees us to see the right path.

Magickal Uses: Clarity, Communication, Courage, Dreams, Purification, Sight, Success

Spell Recipe

Do you need to know how to tap into your magick and turn this into a complete spell? Read my article here.

*When adding your ingredients, remember to focus on the intention of the ingredient while working with it. (I.E., when adding your butter, focus on the intention of nourishment).


  • 2 sheets of pie crust, room

  • 2 cups cooked chicken (I love rotisserie chicken for this)

  • 1 (10.5 oz) can cream of chicken soup

  • 1/4 cup vegetable broth (can sub for chicken broth)

  • 1 1/2 cups frozen mixed peas and carrots, thawed

  • 1 tsp thyme, dried

  • 1/2 tsp onion powder

  • 1/2 tsp garlic powder

  • 1/4 tsp black pepper

  • 1/4 tsp celery salt


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 F and prepare a pie pan by greasing it with oil, butter, or Crisco. Remove your pie crusts and unroll them to help them warm up.

  2. Mix thoroughly in a large bowl of all ingredients except the pie crusts. Ensure that herbal activation is as needed. Can use the below consecrations:

    (Spirit of thyme, bless this dish with clarity and communication)

    (Spirit of carrots, bless this dish with clear sight)

    (Spirit of peas, bless this dish with luck and clarity)

  3. Roll out one into your prepared pie pan once the pie crust is warm enough to be manageable.

  4. Pour chicken and vegetable mix into the crust.

  5. Gently lay the second crust on top of your pie. Trim as needed and crimp (or roll) the edges to close. Cut a slit in the top of the second crust to allow steam to escape as needed.

  6. Speak the incantation below before placing it in the oven and cook for 50-55 minutes until the crust is browned.

  7. Let sit for at least 10 minutes before serving to receive clarity and have clear sight.

With each bite and every taste,

May clouds of doubt be soon erased.

Bless this dish with sharpened sight,

Revealing truths both day and night.


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Hi, thanks for stopping by!

My name's Maven and witchy momma and writer documentating the wonderfully mundane aspects of the Occult. I like to share my experience with folk, kitchen, and green magick along with other tidbits I find along my journey.

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Image by Annie Spratt

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